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How to Hold Your Golf Club: The Proper Golf Grip

Mastering Your Golf Grip: The Key to Better Shots

Holding on to a golf club properly is crucial for hitting great golf shots. Your grip is your only direct connection with the club, so it is essential to get it right. A poor grip can make it challenging to achieve the shot shape you desire. Let’s break down the basics of finding the perfect grip for you.

There are many different variations of golf grips. It is important to find the one that works best for you. For the purposes of this article all items are written for the right-handed golfer.

Grip Variations -> Right Handed Golf Grip Variations:

10 Finger Grip

This grip is called the “10 finger grip” because all 10 fingers are on the club. You complete this grip by having all your fingers lined up on the grip. Your right index finger and left pinky should be touching and covering the club. I find this grip to be the easiest for most women and players who have smaller hands. It is also a grip great for juniors learning the game.

Interlocking Grip

This grip is achieved by taking the index finger on the left hand and the pinky of the right hand and interlocking them together. This helps keep the hands together and I typically recommend it for players who tend to grip the club tight.

Overlapping Grip

This is similar to the 10-finger grip, but the right pinky overlaps on the left index knuckle. I find some players enjoy this grip if they have large hands.

Strong, Neutral, and Weak Grip Placement

This is not grip pressure, it has to do with your hand placement with wrist rotation. A neutral grip is recommended for all beginners, however there is no saying that any of these variations are better than the others. The most important part in holding on to the club properly is that your hands always remain touching. This ultimately comes down to the way you feel and control the club face.

Strong Grip:

A strong grip is achieved by shifting the left hand more towards your left shoulder and your right hand more underneath the grip. You will start to see more fingernails vs knuckles with this grip.

  1. Benefits: This grip can allow players to feel more release in the club, but it also can allow players to be too handsy and manipulate the club face too much. If you tend to slice the ball this is a grip that will help you feel the club face better and square the face to the target.
  2. Disadvantages: Players tend to get their trail hand too far under the club and end up hooking the ball. There is a balance between too strong and too weak.

Neutral Grip:

A neutral grip is achieved by having the thumbs centered down the shaft. This is what many consider a standard grip.

  1. Benefits: this is the easiest hand position to learn and is recommended for all beginners.
  2. Disadvantages: there are no real disadvantages to this grip aside from it may not feel natural for everyone.

Weak Grip:

A weak grip is achieved by shifting the left hand more towards your right shoulder and your left hand more on top of the grip you will start to see more knuckles and less fingernails. You will feel more like your wrists/hands are trying to cross each other.

  1. Benefits: This grip can allow players to feel more control with the club face direction. This is a good grip if you tend to hook the ball. If you over do it with the hands this grip can help.
  2. Disadvantages: If you slice the ball your grip can be too weak. This is a great grip if you tend to hook the ball.

How to Hold a Golf Club

Step 1: How to Reduce Tension

Grip Pressure: Relax your grip pressure. You should not be gripping the club so hard that your forearms are tense. Imagine swinging a rope, not a stiff board. A relaxed grip pressure allows for a more fluid golf swing.

Step 2: Where to Place Your Left Hand

Left Hand Position: Start by placing your left hand on the grip first. You should place your left hand about ½ inch below the end of the grip. Hold the club more with your fingers vs. the palm of your hand.

Thumb Position: Your thumb should point straight down the shaft like you are giving a thumbs up. (I personally prefer to see the left thumb more down the right side of the shaft vs. center. This does influence more of a weak hand position.)

Hand Placement Tip: I like to make sure my players get their hand in the right spot by having them hold the club just off their left hip. This helps feel the grip in your fingers and your hand placement is more on top of the club.

Step 3: Adding The Right Hand

Right Hand Placement: The right hand comes in below the left. There are three different variations on how to hold the club properly using the right hand. All are achieved by putting the right hand below the left and covering the left thumb with the right palm. It is important to be sure that there are no gaps between the hands. I also like to see a little “hook” with the right index finger. This allows the club to rest on that index finger better in the back swing.

Golf Lessons at Silverado Resort

At Silverado Resort, golf enthusiasts can immerse themselves in expertly crafted golf lessons tailored to players of all skill levels. Whether you're a novice looking to refine your swing or a seasoned golfer aiming to perfect your game, Silverado's instructors provide personalized coaching in a picturesque setting. With state-of-the-art facilities and scenic courses, each private or group lesson at Silverado Resort promises to enhance your technique and enjoyment of the game, ensuring a memorable and rewarding golfing experience.

Book Your Stay at Silverado Resort and Golf on Championship Courses

Golf grips are player and swing dependent. What works well for some players may not work for others. Work with a golf professional to determine the best grip for you. On your next visit to Silverado Resort. schedule a private instruction with our golf professionals and they will help get your hand placement in the most ideal position for you and your golf swing. Happy golfing!

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Author: Kayla Walter, PGA/LPGA
Silverado Resort Golf Teaching Professional